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Up above, return again

Published: 1st September 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Up above, return again. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 1st Sept 2021].

noun  Astroeschatology

the Astronist maxim implying that as humanity evolved from life that originated from among the stars, so it is the destiny of humans to return to the astronomical world. This maxim is often regarded among Astronists as an extension to or progression from the astrological motto “as above, so below.”


Above all, do return
All above, return again
Over above, return again
See above, home again


Astro-English: from Astronese, the phrase up above, return again is inspired from the astrological phrase as above, so below but is instead intertwined with distinctly Astronist doctrine, namely that of the prophecy of humanity’s return to the astronomical world in search of both its origins, its existential purpose, its salvation, and its highest position condition (regarded as achieved by way of the process of transcension.

Encyclopaedic entry for “Up above, return again” on

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